Friday, 22 January 2010

How suspense is created in Collateral

In Media, we watched the film Collateral and were asked how it created suspense. In the film, suspense is created in many ways, for example:

This image created suspense as Vincent is aiming the gun towards Max, Max does not come out because if he does, Vincent will shoot him, but Vincent has a feeling that Max is there. The whole train scene creates suspense as Vincent did not know which train that Max and Annie had jumped onto. The audience was also unaware what train max and annie jumped onto. because he audience was unaware of Max and Annie location, it made the scene more suspenseful.

Another example could be the scene in the club. In this scene gun shots were being shot by everyone and random people were being shot. Suspense was created after someone was shot, this made everyone jump as it was unexpected and shocking at the same time.

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