Monday, 19 April 2010

EVALUATION , Question 1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media

For this task i have compared 9 shots from with 9 stills from my own title sequences. The forms and conventions that are used in a title sequence are that the titles can appear discreetly and the titles can appear behind a black screen and then show the movie so in my case i chose the black screen. However i challenged the forms and conventions by only having two black screens for two titles and not for all of the titles, the rest of the titles appeared on the film and the main title of the film appeared at the end of the sequence. Another convention we also challenged was not having an establishing shot as our first shot because usually in a thriller opening the setting would be established whereas in our opening we established the protagonist first. However we did follow conventions such as having the correct music and titles that would reflect our genre, the music heightened the suspense and tension and without it our opening would not have had the same effect.

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