For out Thriller film, we came up with the name Day 56. This name best reflects our story as the main character will have a diary and will write all of his life in there. Other names were suggested such as Memory lane and Disturbia, but we thought that they were to obvious and did not best represent our film.
Our film is a Psychological Thriller. The main character suffers from amnesia and in order to remember his past, he must write down in his diary everything that has happened. When he writes down an event that has just happened, this will trigger his memery to see many flashbacks of the past. Our film was influenced by mainly "The Butterfly Effect". In this film the main character also suffers from amnesia and goes through a series of flashbacks. "Marathon Man" also influenced our film, in the begining of "Marathon Man" the main character is shown running/jogging down the street. We took some of the aspects of that scene, but made it our own.
Through the uses of the camera work in "Marathon Man" We will try and use some of the aspects, by showing some running scenes, then cut back to normality with the main character writing in his diary. "The Butterfly Effect is shown as psychological as he is also running frantically. He then goes into a room and writes in his diary leading to a flashback. We will take some of this and try to make it more thilling.
For our sub-genre, we choose to do a Psychological thriller. We chose this because we wanted to be different as everyone else chose to do an action thriller. Psychological thrillers are more challenging. They require the audience to really think, so we got inspired by this. A psychological thriller is a thriller where the actor/actress conflict is mental and emotional rather than physical.
Our location to film consisted of two places. We chose to film in a house when the main character lives. This is his comfort space as he will run to his house and takes a deap breath as he will feel safe. Our other location is Hampstead Heath. In this location, we will be filming the running scenes and some other scencs such as houses and parks.
We will use some props that best shows that we linked our title to our film. Our most important prop is the diary that the main character will be using to write down eveything that has happened to him. Our main character will be dressed in casual clothes as we do not want to it to be obvious that he is a mental patient who suffers from amnesia. We will use other smaller pros like perhaps a music box or swings in a park. We will aslo use a house.
Our first shot will be the production company in white font on a black backgroud followed by the distribution company. The nest shot will be a POV shot of the main character running down the corridor to a room. As he enters the room the camera will be panning to the right when he sits at the corner. He will then begin to write in his diary and the camer will be at eye level. A close up will appear to the diary and differnt various shots of him will also appear. The camera will then zoom into his face and after this the flashbacks will appear. Different shots will appear in the flachbacks such as his jewelry box, different shots of houses and him running in the park. Our titles will begin when we see the main character, the music however will start as soo as the flash backs come up. Our main title "Day 56" will come up at the end.
We chose to film on days where we were all present:
Monday: 9am - 2pm - Room scenes
Wednesday: 3pm - to any time - running scenes in Hampsted Heath
Thursday: 1:15pm - 2:55pm
Friday: 4:30 onwards (final touches/ extra scenes)
Sundays: (Only if needed)
In our media lesson, we sat through a presentation about the health and safety of the camera and how to use them. We were informed that one person from our group must give in their phone number incase the technician wanted to contact us. We were also informed to give the location where we were planning on filming and how long we would be there.
In another media lesson, we were introduced to 3 new progams. Final cut pro, Livetype and Soundtrack pro. We learned how to edit some clips, create titles and add effects, and how to create music from scratch.
We chose "Working Title" to produce our thriller. We chose this comapany because it is a British film comapany that we could possibly afford. Our film is a low budget independant film and "Working Title" manly produces this. "Working Title" has a great reputation and we may gain audiences from America as they are loinked with Paramount Pictures.
Our target audience are aged 16 - 24. We chose this technacally savvy audience because our film consits of many fast paced flashbacks that are thrilling. Our main character is young and will appear to a young audience as they may relate to him.
Preliminary Match Cut Exercise and Storyboard
In Media, we were told to make a sequence which included a range of match cuts and some dialogue between two characters. Our storyboard consists of 16 shots, these are the following:
Shot 1: A long shot of the character walking on the hallway
Shot 2: A cut away shot of the characters hands on the door
Shot 3: A pov shot of the classroom as the door is opening
Shot 4: A pov shot of a character looking at the other character
Shot 5: A pov shot of the other character looking at the character
Shot 6: A ots shot of the character walking towards the table
Shot 7: A close up of the characters hands pulling the chair
Shot 8: A long shot of the character sitting down
Shot 9: A long shot/two shot of both characters sitting at the table
Shot 10: Shot reverse shot in dialogue
Shot 11: Shot reverse shot in dialogue
Shot 12: Shot reverse shot in dialogue
Shot 13: Shot reverse shot in dialogue
Shot 14: Shot reverse shot in dialogue
Shot 15: Shot reverse shot in dialogue
Shot 16: Shot reverse shot in dialogue
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